New Network
Nurture Campaigns
So, your Social Selling campaigns have wrapped up and you're wondering how best to leverage your new network of hundreds of contacts.

Within this group there are highly-targeted, high-value future opportunities waiting to convert to valuable deals.

Using strategic, ongoing check-ins with your audience, you can easily reignite the conversation and not let this relevant audience go to waste.
Here are some of Momentum Data's tried-and-true best practices for nurturing your new network:
1. Invite your new audience to events!
Over the past years, many of our clients asked us utilise our Social Selling technologies to identify audiences for specific events, and to generate new registrations.

Event Promotion
with Momentum Data
There are numerous potential best practice use cases.

1. Pre-event engagement with other attendees leads to highly relevant meetings at the event

2. LinkedIn Event promotion helps you and your company strengthen the image as industry thought leaders

3. Events are a good prompt to elicit a conversation, which will lead to 1:1 (event unrelated) web meetings

2. Send further content or "break up" messages to your audience, which often lead to further meetings
Hello {{FIRSTNAME}}, 

Please excuse a final contact, I am particularly confident that our {{SOLUTIONNAME}} could bring great value to {{COMPANYNAME}}.

I’m particularly keen to speak to you about {{SOLUTIONVALUE}} which is helping my clients a lot at the moment.

I’d appreciate it if we could set up a short call in the upcoming weeks?

Kind regards, {{PROFILEOWNER}}
3. Post content from your sales profiles according to best practices to increase your network visibility
Content distribution via newsfeed and direct messages.
-Content distribution planning (project timeline)

-Social card creation (text & design)

-Caption and message copy creation

-Hashtag research and selection

-Content distribution scheduling

-Post/article-based content distribution

-Message-based content distribution

-A/B testing and optimization
4. Run a full Organic Nurture process to increase your network visibility and book further meetings
5. Engage with wider audiences in key company targets through LinkedIn Ads